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Chapter Numbers upto 10000
Topic Ascending, descending order
Learning Object
This game will help the students to compare two or more 4-digit numbers and arrange them in ascending or descending order as he moves the sorting Bingo
Chapter Geometry
Topic Concept of point, line, plane and angles
Learning Object
This game will help the students to identify angles as acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex as they are making path for the coconut to fall ...


Chapter Basic geometrical ideas and understanding elementary shapes
Topic All about triangles
Learning Object
This game will help the students to reorganize different types of triangles, relating to various attributes, understanding the properties of triangles...
Chapter Numbers
Topic Rounding Arrow
Learning Object
This game will help the student to practice rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 as they are moving the arrow. Its interesting and engaging for them to play and get more familiar with this concept.